Canvas Creator

Albert Humphrey


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Leading expert in the field of corporate strategic planning and strategy realization.

Albert Humphrey, SWOT analysis Creator


Albert Humphrey

Stanford, United States

BIOGRAPHY of Albert Humphrey

Albert Humphrey (1926-2005) was a leading expert in the field of corporate strategic planning and strategy realization. He held directorships with several large companies and consulted with over 100 others in the UK, USA, Mexico, France, Switzerland, Germany, Norway and Denmark.


He was responsible for the 'International Executive Seminar in Business Planning' for Stanford Research Institute and was the European Operation Director for the National Bureau of Certified Consultants in the USA.


Albert S. Humphrey held a diploma from the University of Illinois in Chemical Engineering, a Master's degree at MIT in Chemical Engineering, and was awarded a Master's Degree in Business Administration at Harvard.


His team method for planning created SOFT (later becoming SWOT). His work at Stanford produced the 'Stakeholders Concept' which is commonly used and references by many famous industrial and political leaders. This programme was subsequently renamed the TAM® (Team, Action, Management) business performance model.

Canvas from this creator

QUOTE FROM Albert Humphrey

In a final e-mail to the Stanford Research Institute Alumnies, Albert Humphrey (aged 79) wrote:

Yes, I am still consulting - rather coaching and a bit of mentoring. I will work in Monaco this coming week for Maia Institute to help them create a development plan to accelerate their research in a predictive model for trading foreign currency.

Then I will help Mortgage Plc create a development plan for competing with the high street mortgage lenders.

In October I will give a seminar in Rumania for CODEC on “Team Action Management”-also a product of SRI.

Albert Humphrey, 9/7/05